Rich Birkemeier and Ben Mitchell, hosted by Willamette Hazelnut Growers, Inc. conducted our 4th New Grower’s and Planting Forum on Saturday, Sept. 8. We had over 70 in attendance, many whom indicated they were new to the hazelnut industry.
Michael Severeid, Sales Manager for WHG, gave a brief presentation on his recent sales trip to China. He had slides of the hazelnuts grown in China and many samples of hazelnuts marketed in China.
Rich and Ben presented information on varieties, spacing, blight and new plantings. Pizza, veggies and cookies were served at lunchtime. Ben took those interested into the field to see blight in Jefferson and a pruning demonstration for new plantings. The feedback was great. We decided it was much warmer to hold our meeting in September than November. The weather was beautiful.
If you are interested in attending a grower forum with WHG, please contact Michael at to be put on the notification list. We have conducted these forums in the early spring and late fall. As long as we have interest, we will continue to present this information. Our goal is to help each and every one of our new hazelnut growers to succeed.