Author Archives: loren

In Chinese culture, hazelnuts are a traditional treat for New Year

Chinese people around the world will be celebrating the Lunar New Year on January 23rd to say good bye to the year of the Rabbit and usher in the Year of the Dragon. Why do hazelnut growers love Chinese New … Continue reading

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How to prune young hazelnut trees for optimal growth

Young hazelnut trees require yearly pruning in the orchard.  It’s crucial to prune new trees to establish the scaffold structure that will end up being the framework of your mature tree. When a tree is planted we remove all side branching, reducing the hazelnut … Continue reading

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Pruning yearling hazelnut trees

It’s hard to prune trees. Not difficult – just hard. I just pruned a couple of ancient apple trees behind my Grandpa’s house last month, and I felt like I butchered them.  So I understand. But the fact is, when … Continue reading

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About gravel…

We had a meeting yesterday with a couple of fine gents who had a lot of questions about their new orchard. The topic of gravel came up. We chuckled a bit, because gravel is one of those hidden snafoos waiting … Continue reading

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How to plant a potted hazelnut tree

Today I took a video of Rich planting a new potted hazelnut tree into our orchard. Some notes: A planting shovel is thinner and sharper than a standard spade or construction shovel. Planting shovels also have a flat end rather … Continue reading

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