Category Archives: Hazelnuts

Skunk Stink On Your Dog!

Skunks don’t play fair! We know all about skunks. This time of year they form a convoy that snakes through the orchard scratching out worms and bugs.  I actually think they are pretty cute: Mamma with all her babies, tails … Continue reading

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Hazelnuts – A NUTritional Food

Nutrition Health Benefits from Hazelnuts Hazelnuts are GOOD for you Nutrition and YOU Fun Facts About Filberts Did you know…..? Recipes Consortium Recipes Roasting and Storage  

Posted in Hazelnuts, How To, Just For Fun | Tagged

Now Showing – New Hazelnut Crop

For the last month we have been visiting the filbert orchards regularly to look at the fall nut crop.  Of course, it has been too early to see what the hazelnut set is, but you have to look! Now, the … Continue reading

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Spraying in the orchard

The suckers are growing at an alarming rate! This is the time of year that the suckers in the filbert orchard are growing like crazy.  If you ignore them for a week or two, they will get away from you … Continue reading

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Grower’s Forum

For the last 2 years, Rich, Ben Mitchell and the group at Willamette Filbert Growers, have presented a New Grower’s Planting Forum. We have held our meeting at the Willamette Hazelnut Growers processing facility in Newberg, Oregon, in November. This … Continue reading

Posted in Hazelnuts, How To, New Tree Care, Nursery, Orchard Care | Tagged , , ,

Deer in the Filbert Orchard

Beautiful, graceful, Deer.  Love to see them, but…… Deer and young filbert trees do not go well together.  Deer love the tender young shoots of the new trees. About this time of year, they step out of the woods, with … Continue reading

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Late Pollinizers

As I look out over the Yamhill hazelnut orchard today, I notice that the golden glow that was there 2 weeks ago is gone.  The pollen from the Yamhill filbert trees had been dispersed and the filbert catkins are brown and … Continue reading

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Pruning first year trees

After the first year in the field, it is absolutely essential to prune your new filbert tree.  The objective is to establish the scaffold framework that will determine the permanent shape of the tree for years to come.  Even though … Continue reading

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In Chinese culture, hazelnuts are a traditional treat for New Year

Chinese people around the world will be celebrating the Lunar New Year on January 23rd to say good bye to the year of the Rabbit and usher in the Year of the Dragon. Why do hazelnut growers love Chinese New … Continue reading

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How to prune young hazelnut trees for optimal growth

Young hazelnut trees require yearly pruning in the orchard.  It’s crucial to prune new trees to establish the scaffold structure that will end up being the framework of your mature tree. When a tree is planted we remove all side branching, reducing the hazelnut … Continue reading

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